Kids Summer Camps Kelowna Great Way Martial Arts
What do Chinese fighting disciples, birthday parties, summer camps for children and Kung Fu all have in common? At Greatway Martial Arts here in Kelowna, they all mix very well as hundreds of student attendees and their parents can attest.
With five instructors, under Master Instructor James Heinrich, a lifelong fighting discipline student and a 10th-degree blackbelt in Wing Chun, Master Heinrich formed Greatway Martial Arts in Kelowna with his wife and life partner Esmeralda Heinrich. The business was formed in 1993 and has been successful in operation ever since.
At Greatway, the emphasis is on fun, confidence, learning discipline and learning respect, all skills that serve students of any age well, and of whom parents can be especially proud of.
The emphasis is not on combat, particularly with the younger students, but on learning form and technique. There are rarely any injuries because combat is no emphasized.
A particular joy of Greatway is it’s Kelowna kids camps, one of the spring break camps held in Kelowna each year. Available in half-day and full-day
increments. the spring break experience helps students make good use of their time rather than merely parking themselves on the television or playing infinite and mindless video-games over and over.
The Spring camps, in particular help students, make new friends, socialize in a mixed group setting, learn to focus, which is extremely helpful as they grow from early childhood into middle and teen adulthood, and have a great deal of fun at the same time.
How much fun? Well, notice one of the more popular features of Greatway dojo, are their karate-orientated-birthday parties. Excited students or prospective students invite up to 19 of their closest friends to be led by a Greatway Instructor, who leads them all their paces of Kung Fu. Then the cake comes out, and the birthday-celebrant, boy or girl, together with the steady guidance of the instructor, cuts the cake with a genuine Samurai sword.
As celebrants can attest, a Greatway Birthday Party beats the heck out of parties featuring a clown or pin the tail on the donkey.
One added benefit for the parents is that Greatway provides an inviting viewing area for parents and family members to watch while their students learn the sport, and at the same time, parents get an opportunity to socialize with other parents in the community.